About me

Hello and welcome to my website.


Here you will find some info about me and my literary work.

If you like, you may purchase some of my novels (signed copies via email or contact form), send me a message via guestbook and subscribe to my newsletter.


Writing always has been an important part of my life, so with great pleasure I was able to publish my first novel in 2012 (Die grüne Frau, "The green woman").


I enjoy writing historic fiction the most, but have also written modern prose (Die Frau im Treppenhaus, available in German) as well as some fantasy for young readers (Ársals Abenteuer, "Ársals adventures", available in German) and short stories and poems published as winterZAUBER ("winterMAGIC", available in German) and of which my christmas story Waluma can be found in the compilation winterMÄRCHEN ("winterFAIRYTALES", available in German).

My novel-series Verlorene Jugend ("Lost Youth") about youth in Nazi-Germany is available in English since 2014. Please find here more information about the series.

Please find news of my novel-series Bone Ship Mysteries ("Das Geheimnis der Knochenschiffe") about model ships crafted by prisoners-of-war from the Napoleonic era, affecting the modern life of the Sawyer-Schnitzler family, here.

Currently, I am mainly working on my novel series StrandtGuth (crime novels about inspector Lotta Strandt and her friends Moritz Guth, Sebastian Pfeiffer and Maja Lundqvist and Maximilian Bohse). The books are available in German only at the moment, a translation into English is planned. You may find more info here.

Of course, you'll also find me on Facebook: Fee-ChristineAKS@Facebook.

Looking forward to meeting you there!


For news about my novel series, have a look at my "Lost Youth" special page: VerloreneJugend@Facebook


News about my novel series "Bone Ship Mysteries" you'll get on my special page:



News about my novel series "StrandtGuth" you'll find on my special page: StrandtGuth@Facebook





2025-02: STORYchat (Sammelband) veröffentlicht

2024: Jeden Monat eine Spende ans Altonaer Museum

2024-01: Die Akte Epsilon (StrandtGuth#7) veröffentlicht

2023: Jeden Monat eine Spende ans Altonaer Museum

2023-05: Broadway-Melodie für Mörder (StrandtGuth#16) veröffentlicht

2022: Jeden Monat eine Spende ans Altonaer Museum

2021: Jeden Monat eine Spende ans Altonaer Museum

2021-01: Kein Schutzengel für Julia (StrandtGuth#08) veröffentlicht

2020-12: Facelift für Cover der StrandtGuth-Serie

2020: Jeden Monat eine Spende ans Altonaer Museum

2020-01: Seide und Gold (Penvenan #2, Roman) veröffentlicht

2019: Jeden Monat eine Spende ans Altonaer Museum

2019-09: Als die Dunkelheit hereinbrach (Roman) als Hörbuch - jetzt bestellen

2019-09: Interview für buechertreff.de

2019-05: Knochen und Stroh (Penvenan #1, Roman) veröffentlicht

2018: Jeden Monat eine Spende ans Altonaer Museum

2018-11: MeerglasHerzen (Roman) veröffentlicht

2018-10: Dear Moon, you go so quietly (LostYouth #4) published

2018-09: Die kalten Augen des Todes (StrandtGuth #04) veröffentlicht

2018-06: Interview für leserkanone.de

2018-05: Interview für Schüler (7. Klasse)

2018-05: Als der Wind kälter wehte (Verlorene Jugend#5) veröffentlicht

2018-03: WebShop online!

eBook & Hörbuch
