
Kommentare: 11
  • #11

    fee-christine-aks (Donnerstag, 11 September 2014 08:48)

    Dear Lauren, I am very glad you liked reading my novel. And thanks for your inquiry. Book #1 will be published as paperback soon as well. As you have subscribed to my newsletter (thank you) you'll be among the first to received the happy news once it is available. Warm regards from Hamburg, Fee-Christine

  • #10

    Lauren B. (Montag, 08 September 2014 11:07)

    Dear Mrs Aks, i was very touched by your story in Somewhere in the world. well written and well told! i read the paperback version and wanted to buy the other parts of the series as well; but i only found book #3 as print, book #1 is only available as ebook. or did i miss something? greetings from NYC, Lauren

  • #9

    fee-christine-aks (Mittwoch, 27 August 2014 16:58)

    Dear Mariah, thank you very much for your feedback, I'm very glad you liked reading my novel. Best regards, Fee-Christine

  • #8

    Mariah D. (Freitag, 25 Juli 2014 09:40)

    Dear Mrs Aks, your novel Somewhere in the World was a very touching read, I almost cried at the end. My compliments for writing such a book!

  • #7

    fee-christine-aks (Donnerstag, 17 Juli 2014 08:46)

    Guiseppe P. (via Email)*
    "...the new book about Liza is very good (and sad) and I read it quick. I look forward to the third book."

  • #6

    fee-christine-aks (Mittwoch, 09 Juli 2014 18:09)

    Dear Guiseppe, so glad you let me know and mille grazie that you liked my book. The next part of my novel series will be published in English within this month. As you did subscribe to my newsletter, you will know first hand when it is available. Warm regards, Fee-Christine

  • #5

    Guiseppe P. (Montag, 07 Juli 2014 20:48)

    Dear Mrs Aks,
    I am just finished reading your book about Maria (thank you very much for making a translation to English). The story is very good told and give me a good impressione about the time when the Nazis ruled in Germany. I am waiting for the next book of the story that if I understand correct will be published soon?
    Best wishes from Padua,

  • #4

    fee-christine-aks (Donnerstag, 03 Juli 2014 09:29)

    Doreen M. from the USA (via Email)*
    "Good story. I read it cover to cover and were amazed how perceptive the girl Maria is. She really gets the troubled times and nicely takes the reader along."

  • #3

    fee-christine-aks (Donnerstag, 03 Juli 2014 09:27)

    James P. from the UK (via Contact form)*
    "Good read. Looking forward to the next books about the group of young friends from Hamburg."

  • #2

    fee-christine-aks (Donnerstag, 03 Juli 2014 09:26)

    Elisabeth I. from the USA (via Contact form)*
    "Dear Mrs Aks, I read your novel about Maria Goldberg very eagerly and was very much impressed by the rich description of youth life in Hamburg during the early 1930s. I still recall some of it myself and wanted to convey my thanks to you for writing about these difficult times. Warmest regards from the US, Elisabeth Isaacson"

  • #1

    fee-christine-aks (Donnerstag, 03 Juli 2014 09:24)

    Barry H. from the UK (via Contact form)*
    "Dear Mrs Aks, I have read your book. Congratulations! You have so ably conveyed the harrowing times that existed under the developing Nazis rule in the 1930s for certain sections of German Society.
    I appreciated your doing so through the eyes of children, conveying their slow realisation of what actually was happening: the lawlessness that was officially being permitted. You have also shown how adults could not accept at first that such evil would prevail, and so in their naivety actually allowed it to happen.
    There are real depth to the characters as their loves,fears and other feelings are revealed. Many, many congratulations.
    And best wishes from the UK."

Note: Abusive, offensive, racist, or any other illegal comments will be deleted.


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